
Places to Stay in Sterling Valley

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Tyler M Demo Hotel

Between the rustic charm of our lodging, the beauty of our surroundings, the elegance of our golf courses, the variety of our dining choices, and the professional and friendly staff it is not hard to see why Garland has been called one of Northern Michigan’s Premier Golf Destinations. Please feel free to view the links and explore the resort, learn about our offerings and get familiar with your choices before coming to enjoy for yourself!

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Tyler Demo Hotel 3

Escape to the island home of your dreams on a vast stretch of sugar-white sand, set against postcard-perfect sunsets over the Gulf of Mexico – and enjoy expansive suites that are all at once contemporary and comfortable.

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Tyler Demo Hotel 5

Play Here! Welcome to Caribou Highlands Lodge, an all-season resort nestled in the heart of the Sawtooth Mountains in legendary Lutsen. The mountain views from our lodge rooms, condos, townhomes and spacious four-bedroom Poplar Ridge log homes are inspiring, as are the vistas of Lake Superior from the top of Moose Mountain. Come see it.

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Tyler Demo Hotel 6

Featuring a variety of studio and condominium units, Eagle Ridge Resort is set amidst the peaceful Sawtooth Mountain where guests play by day and relax by night. Each of our units has been designed to complement the natural beauty of the surrounding Superior National Forest. All rooms overlook Moose Mountain and the Poplar River Valley. Eagle Ridge Resort is within walking distance to all Lutsen Mountains amenities and services.

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Tyler Demo Hotel 7

Enjoy your evening at The Mountain Inn …and the next morning, head down for a light breakfast at historic Lutsen Resort's lakeside dining room on Lake Superior. Its all included in your lodging!

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